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Case Study

Domino's – safety systems development

Completed 2021


The largest pizza chain in Australia engaged Verus to build tailored WHS management systems for its businesses.

The Challenge

The two Domino’s entities in Australia did not yet have the safety systems in place that would assure them that WHS due diligence was being met. They did have safety documentation, but with limited safety resources within each business, it was proving difficult to sustain and improve practices.

Project Goals

  • In consultation with each of the Domino’s businesses, build a WHS Management System for each that, at a minimum, considered the legislative requirements for health and safety.
  • In addition, build a system that allowed the businesses to focus on proactive activities for risk prevention.
  • Focus on team engagement and consultation.

The Insight

We combined our strong understanding of systems implementation and experience designing and building WHS systems with our in-depth understanding of WHS legislation to develop simple methods that would meet compliance requirements and align to the safety maturity of the Domino’s businesses.

The Solution

  • Developed tailored systems that aligned with Domino’s current resources and their level of safety maturity.
  • Developed simple tools to build transparency and accountability for WHS actions.
  • Established consultation methods that piggybacked off the current methods for communication.
  • Built records management guidelines into all safety activities to assist with maintaining records.